
Sunday, May 08, 2016

Mum's The Word .... World

A Mother's job is a labor of love and pain ~ Pain for the way she brings forth her progeny  into this world and the love and fiery passion that she pours into nurturing her little ones. She will fiercely protect and will dive in headfirst to stave off storms - both metaphorical and real. This highlights two beautiful sides of her - a pillar of strength, a beacon of hope and security.

As a woman she has worn many hats from the day she was born - she has played the role of a daughter, sister, grand-daughter, wife, mum and she comes full circle when she becomes a grandmum. She is always giving off of herself as the moment demands, all selfishness and thoughts for herself aside, This very prospect can be so daunting but it's one that she is able to pull-off with aplomb. And the thought has crossed my mind, don't we all have the same 24 hours in our day?
She is a skillful juggler ably handling home, a family and a career.
Will saying Thank you, suffice? It would never be enough - But here goes:
Thank you, Mom for having instilled good - the will to think, do and the will to be good, against all adversity; To treat one-and-all with love and respect.
Thank you, Mom for teaching me to pray …To have faith, to believe that God will not give me more than I can handle, that I have to put my trust in him and give it my best; His love will never fail!
You helped me overcome all my fears - you ironed away the wrinkles that life leaves behind and you've helped me be positive at all times, building morale every step of the way. Your soothing voice exudes comfort even in the darkness, when the thunder rolls and lightning crashes and Thank you for driving away night-time monsters too. 
My heart swells with love for you and for all that you’ve done: -
for the countless tears you've wiped, for tirelessly nursing me back to health; For a pat on my back on my accomplishments and for a hug when I was down.
For encouraging me to compete in all fairness, letting me know that I am no less and that I too stand a fair chance.
The years have slipped by, but my treasure chest of memories continues to grow.
I feel rich when I count all the gifts I have that money can’t buy – the gift of love, integrity and dignity.
This is to ALL women - we are born nurturers and are natural mothers.

So a Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Summer musings!

It's summer in the Indian sub-continent and I am not a happy camper! There have been no good movie releases and to add to my woes, I have writer's block. The one time of day I look forward to is days' end. As twilight paints the sky in a mélange of shades from amber to purple and midnight blue, beckoning dusk to fall, the hot summers' day is thankfully drawing to a close ...! The garden has been watered and the earth smells divine and this beats all my favorite perfume choices right from Christian Dior to Lancôme. To me the best scent in the whole world - the smell of wet earth.
The sparrows, robins and bulbuls are chirruping and are gathered, seemingly to exchange their days'  stories. Oh the cacophony, how lovely! I wonder what they have to say to each other. The cuckoo has stopped it's "incessant cooing" and decided to call it a night. The bats are taking a whirl too. The garden is abuzz with activity from the insect world... The crickets are out and in chorus, there are grasshoppers and oh let's not forget the annoying buzz of mosquitoes, smack one and the busybody ants  whisk away the smooshed mites in the blink of an eye. I can hear the distant call of peacocks ... And if you wonder where I live, this is my piece of heaven on earth. While the night jasmine releases it potent and hypnotic fragrance that will soon lull you into a sense of deep calm, the Brahma Kamal and the Dutchman's Pipe Cactus are abloom in all their glory while the rest of the plant world nods off to sleep.
Truly, nature's miracles.
Dutchman's Pipe Cactus

Night blooming jasmine
 I have an intense longing for the monsoons, aren't we all - for the fireflies with their warm glow, for the crash of thunder, a flash of lightning and the rainbow at the end of a squall.
We just have to hold on for a little longer.
 ...... Just a little bit longer!

Friday, April 08, 2016

Up (2009)

Little Carl Friedrickson (Ed Asner) and his playmate Ellie are both travel enthusiats and fans of the great explorer Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer). As time flies, Carl and Ella get married but a miscarriage changes how they see things - like their dream to visit Paradise Falls in South America. But their dream stays one, lost in the pages of a scrapbook that is as old as they are.
However, in their old age, knowing that time is of the essence, Carl plans to surprise Ellie with a trip to the falls. But it's a little too late when fate intervenes and deals a cruel hand when Ellie dies. Depressed and lonely Carl stands firmly rooted to their home and refuses to sell their house and land to upcoming high-rises in the neighborhood. Grumpy, old Carl is deemed by court a public menace and is ordered to be sent to a retirement home.
Contemplating a future course of action Carl plans an escape to the falls, before being whisked away to the retirement community. He ties numerous balloons to his house and is almost ready when his doorbell rings. He opens his door to find Russel (Jordan Nagai), a wilderness explorer, at his doorstep offering to help Carl in any way he can, in the hopes of scoring the last badge he is missing, 'to help the elderly badge'. Carl tells Russel off and Carl is soon blissfully floating in his home high UP in the clouds. However, unbeknown to him, Russel is his steadfast companion whether Carl wants it or not. And so begins the biggest adventure of both their lives.
Come and live an adventure in this animated, heart-stirring movie

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Letters to Juliet (2010)

Sophie (Amanda Seyfried)  is a writer who is employed with The New Yorker as a fact checker. She takes a pre-honeymoon trip to Verona, Italy with her fiancé, Victor (Gael Garcia Bernal) hoping their time together  will do their relationship some good and iron out what they assume are pre-wedding jitters. However, Victor, a chef, who is opening a new Italian restaurant in New York doesn't want to miss out on the opportunity that Verona has to offer and he devotes most of his time planning for his upcoming restaurant. Sophie, left alone, senses a disconnect and a growing disappointment leading her to have second thoughts about her marriage.
While out sight-seeing one day Sophie happens across the 'Secretaries of Juliet' and decides to join the brigade in their quest to unite lost loves. While doing so, Sophie comes across a letter that Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) has written to Lorenzo (Franco Nero) over 50 years ago and she sets out to bring two long lost people together. And what do you know, cupid could strike anyone in the midst of rolling vineyards and under gorgeous blue skies.

Word for the day :-
hoi polloi - Plural noun meaning the masses; the common people (derogatory)

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Peace comes from within, Do not seek it without ~ Buddha

The world we live in today is in the throes of tremendous upheaval - civil wars, acts of terrorism and political unrest has left millions of people displaced and having to pick up the pieces to start afresh. Since I am still in the Easter hangover mode ... I am left thinking .. As solemn and somber both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are, it is a time of reflection of actions past. Holy Saturday and Easter brings with it liberation, brought forth by forgiveness and bringing peace, joy and freedom from fetters that our own sins bind us in. How do you stand firm in faith against all adversity? How far and how long can this Easter bliss last. I wish and pray, forever ....

As I wake up each morning I love the view that greets me

“We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing? (136-137)”  

Buddhist monastery, Dharamsala

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”
Dalai Lama XIV

Golden Temple, Amritsar

“For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?”  
 -  Guru Nanak,    
Sri Guru Granth Sahib   


Bom Jesu, Old Goa

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” - 1 Peter 3:15, The Holy Bible

Fire Temple

"Turn yourself not away from three best things: Good thought, Good word and Good deed." - A Zorastrian quote

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sands of Time

The setting was beautiful! The ocean waves were lapping a cool froth, leaving an imprint of my feet on the sand with the sun shedding its setting rays over the horizon. I stood there feeling nostalgic of a time and the years gone by …..
I remember running along those very sands, my little hand nestled in my dad’s, strong and firm, and my little feet trying to keep up with his big strides. I was running into the waves; they seemed so big to me then and yet, I never feared … I knew I was safe and could face them fearlessly with my dad by my side. I remember looking up into his eyes that were so full of love for me, with laughter written all over his handsome face. I knew I would always look up to him for everything and he would always be my “Hero”. I had this image captured in my mind’s eye… Never to be forgotten.
Today …… here I am again … years later, with the love of my life and as I stand here I miss my dad. I remembered the massive waves of trials and tribulations that had washed up my shore over the years and the sound advice that my dad would give me. When they had passed … they were just little whitecaps again … small and insignificant … Pretty and cool … Like life, itself! Beautiful!
Pic self clicked while on vacation in Goa
Now as I start a new chapter in my life, I will always remember that moment gone by on the sands … of time….!  My dad will always be my Hero, but I have another who I will be sharing the roller-coaster of my life with….The highs and lows… the thrills and excitement … To leave a part of me and those memories as a legacy …..