
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Summer musings!

It's summer in the Indian sub-continent and I am not a happy camper! There have been no good movie releases and to add to my woes, I have writer's block. The one time of day I look forward to is days' end. As twilight paints the sky in a mélange of shades from amber to purple and midnight blue, beckoning dusk to fall, the hot summers' day is thankfully drawing to a close ...! The garden has been watered and the earth smells divine and this beats all my favorite perfume choices right from Christian Dior to Lancôme. To me the best scent in the whole world - the smell of wet earth.
The sparrows, robins and bulbuls are chirruping and are gathered, seemingly to exchange their days'  stories. Oh the cacophony, how lovely! I wonder what they have to say to each other. The cuckoo has stopped it's "incessant cooing" and decided to call it a night. The bats are taking a whirl too. The garden is abuzz with activity from the insect world... The crickets are out and in chorus, there are grasshoppers and oh let's not forget the annoying buzz of mosquitoes, smack one and the busybody ants  whisk away the smooshed mites in the blink of an eye. I can hear the distant call of peacocks ... And if you wonder where I live, this is my piece of heaven on earth. While the night jasmine releases it potent and hypnotic fragrance that will soon lull you into a sense of deep calm, the Brahma Kamal and the Dutchman's Pipe Cactus are abloom in all their glory while the rest of the plant world nods off to sleep.
Truly, nature's miracles.
Dutchman's Pipe Cactus

Night blooming jasmine
 I have an intense longing for the monsoons, aren't we all - for the fireflies with their warm glow, for the crash of thunder, a flash of lightning and the rainbow at the end of a squall.
We just have to hold on for a little longer.
 ...... Just a little bit longer!

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