
Friday, April 28, 2017

And women will be women ... 👼

It's a hot Sunday morning and the dead of summer. Sunday is one day in the week that I refuse to do anything and I was getting a pedi done. Hubby was off running some errands and he comes back with the Sunday newspaper. The following was our conversation, not verbatim though.

Hubby - I bought the newspaper today and there is something here you would like.
Me - Okay. I will take a look at it later

A little later -

Hubby - Did you see the paper
Me - No.
Hubby - Quit whatever it is your doing and take a look
Me - Oh alright!
After a little silence =
Me - It's nice. I like it.
Hubby - I knew you would
Me - But how many are there
Hubby - How many what?
Me - Diamonds!!! 💎  DUH ...😑
Hubby - What diamonds?
Me - the Forevermark ad, right? 💍
Hubby - (in complete panic) NO! NO! I was talking about the write up! Not the ad.
Me - Oh! 😫 Or like Homer Simpson would say, "Doh"!

I can assure you that in the ensuing silence😣 you could hear the crickets, probably imaginary, but (just FYI) I've given my imagination free rein.

Now a question for my readers - ladies let's be honest here. Tell me what really caught your eye?

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