When Mohan Sharma (Tarun Bose) and Aruna (Surekha Pandit) tie the knot, they instantly knew they had found their soulmates. It was a love so strong that blossomed into a deep and mutual respect, filling their lives with happiness. It couldn't get any better than when Mohan receives the news that they were to have a baby. Life seemed to be coming full circle. But given here and as the saying goes 'it seems too good to be true' - Aruna dies in childbirth, leaving behind a beautiful daughter, Uma and an embittered Mohan. And life was never the same. He is unable to bring himself to love, let alone look at his child, holding her responsible for taking away what he cherished most in life, his wife.

But will she be able to find the courage to follow her heart?
A few things I like about this movie is firstly, that it's black and white. The storyline isn't too elaborate but is still riveting and meaningful, delivering performances that are top notch. The music and songs are mesmerizing and once again its hats off to the director - Hrishikesh Mukherjee!
After all these years of its release, this film can still hold its own.