
Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Smile Women - This day is yours! πŸ’

I was wondering what words of wisdom I would impart this Women's Day! Inspiration strikes anytime ..
I haven't been doing too well lately - the flu bug paid me a visit and the past week has been nothing short of hell! But the work must go on and with all my grumbling, hubby decided to help out with the cooking. Now that is not always a good idea, but beggars can't be choosers. So hubby dearest decided to go native and make fish curry .... It was an interesting cooking experience and this is what my immaculate kitchen looked like after the ordeal ... πŸ‘‡
Turmeric is not pretty on the floors πŸ˜•
I'm sure you can hear me groan as I write this! And this is only part of the mess, mind you. Art lovers forgive me, but the walls had something that resembled contemporary art on it (an art style I could never understand). But I only thought of taking pictures much later so I have none to prove my point. So that's that!
My messed and stressed up blender, now clean and doing some yoga πŸ˜‰
I was ready to scream blue murder .. but if the end result was really good, must I complain?πŸ˜‡
Deliciousness in my curry pot πŸ‘Œ

And now on my plate ... πŸ˜ƒ. Do forgive my weak presentation
So, happy cleaning πŸ˜’ and Happy Women's Day πŸ’† 🍹 (in advance)

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