
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

And ... there were showers

During the homily at church last Sunday, father asked a very pertinent question! He wanted to know if anyone from the congregation had witnessed a miracle that day and to raise their hand. I didn't have to think too much for I had an answer .. I did have a miracle .. The long - awaited monsoons had finally arrived and I was alive and truly well to experience it.
The skies had been dark and ominous for a few days now .. The clouds were laden and hovered, waiting to spill their drops onto the parched earth. I was sitting by the window when the first drops fell .. Sipping my tea, watching and listening to the music of rain drops as they pitter-pattered down was a miracle in itself. There it was - nature's attempt at gifting us a clean slate after a brutal summer, a new season full of the promise of new life. The birds are reveling, the flowers were in bloom  and soon the rains had rendered the air crisp and cool.
With eyes turned heaven-ward and a prayer on my lips I said "Thank you" for the gloriously cool drops  ... I can only stop to gaze and appreciate the wonder of it all ..  
A self click during a road trip

One of my favorite "rain" numbers

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