
Friday, October 07, 2016

Just being Audrey! ( 1929-1993)

I was in love the instant I watched "My Fair Lady" (1964), my first Hepburn movie. After I watched Roman Holiday (1953) starring Audrey and Gregory Peck, two of my favorite old-timers, I was impressed. So after Sabrina (1954) and Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), I was a numero uno fan.
To me Pink and Audrey Hepburn go hand in hand - remembering her poise and grace that has ruled hearts from time immemorial.

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Pink (2016)

The story is about three friends who are like your every other Indian girl. There is the Feisty Minal Arora ( Taapsee Pannu), a Sensible Falak Ali (Kirti Kulhari) and a rather Timid Andrea (Andrea Tariang). These young working professionals share a flat in a middle-class society in South Delhi.
One eventful evening, the trio attend a rock concert and are later invited to dinner by a group of three friends - Rajveer (Angad Bedi) and his two pals. Against their better judgment the women accompany the men to a resort close to the concert venue and soon the drinks begin to flow. However, the carousing does not end well when Rajveer tries to molest Minal and he is left bleeding copiously and in danger of losing an eye. The girls manage to escape by the skin of their teeth but barely ..... Rajveer is from a family with strong political connections and soon the girls start receiving threatening phone calls, they are stalked and almost evicted from their rental. To make a point Minal is abducted and molested by Rajveer's friends and the girls decide to fight back. Their neighbor, famous retired lawyer - Deepak Sehgal (Amitabh Bachchan) who has been diagnosed bipolar, approaches the girls and offers to help fight their case. And like they say - The rest is history!
Amitabh Bachachan, the veteran star has delivered an intense performance, leaving his audience mesmerized with his larger-than life screen presence,  his resonating voice and managing to bring home a poignant social message. I absolutely loved his "handbook for women". There was not a soul at the theater who did not clap or cheer during and after the film.
Kudos to director Aniruddha Roy Chowdury for successfully delivering a movie that just needed to be made.

I always stay back to read the credits knowing that the movie is not what it is were it not for all the names that appear in the finest print. Imagine my surprise when my patience was rewarded at the pièce de résistance, served at the very end.
Extremely powerful and moving!

Word for the day :-
querulous - complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Shanti - The power and beauty of Silence!

Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Justus Pace   
            Shanti – Meaning: Silence! But what does this word mean to each one of us?

            To me…? Well, it changed my life! This is an old story for which I had to delve deep into my archives ....
             Shanti was a non-descript lady … Old, bent over with age, with a head full of white hair and a face so heavily lined with the sun over the years, they seemed to tell a story of their own …. And yet, to me she had a beautiful face that always smiled and never once showed the pain that was a part of her life, her being … like the very air that she breathed.                                                
Shanti lived in the same neighborhood as me. For years we would meet while taking our walks and we’d stop for a moment to say a quick hello, share a laugh … and then be on our way.  This was a routine for as long as I can remember and for some reason if I wouldn’t see her or she me, we would ask around and make sure all was well.
There wasn’t a whole lot I knew about her, except for the fact that she loved flowers, the ones in red were her favorite. And she loved sweets, jalebis to be a bit specific.
Shanti was a domestic help with the Sharmas who reside in my neighborhood. She was brought in to take care of the little ones in the family. This was over 20 years ago. With time, the ‘little ones’ had flown the nest and here she was feeling like the very essence of her life was over.                         
This once ... time seemed to have eluded me and it was weeks before I realized that Shanti was not around. When I asked for her, I was told that she was she was in an old-age home. Shocked, I made a mental note to pay her a visit.
It was two weeks later that I could actually go pay her a visit, armed with a bunch of red roses and some jalebis. I entered ‘Eventide’, a bit apprehensively, not sure what to expect. I was conscious of the curious stares I got from many and after asking my way around, I found myself in a little room. There she was … on a rocking chair, looking forlorn. My heart went out to her and for a second all I could do was stand and watch, she seemed so old and vulnerable. On hearing my voice she whipped around, joy radiating from her face and laughter twinkling in her eyes. She hugged the flowers I gave her and squirreled the sweets away for later. And then we talked like there was no tomorrow… She needed someone to listen to her. And I did just that!  Before I knew it two hours had flown by. It was the best two hours of my life. Sadly I had to say good-bye, with a promise that I would visit again. I did. It was not at ‘Eventide’ but at the hospital. She was covered in tubes, with machines beeping around her. Despite it all, she looked at me and smiled. She whispered a ‘Thank-You’. Two magical words! For a second I was confused. Then like a light bulb going off in my head I knew what I had to do.
I have a grandmother at home, whom I’d barely spoken five words to in a long time. When I visited I listened, once again! I thought of all the years she looked after me, lovingly wiping my tears, washing my wounds when I would fall and being my counselor, through all of life’s highs and lows, never letting go or giving up … All those memories came rushing back. I hugged her and told her I loved her.             
Shanti was gone soon after. And I sent up a silent prayer.
There is someone in our life we need to reach out to. Touch a life today; make a difference … as “time and tide waits for no man”.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Thandi Hawa Yeh Chandni Suhani - Jhumroo Songs - Kishore Kumar and Madhubala

Remembering the yodel king of Hindi Cinema, yesteryear star Kishore Kumar.
My heart sings when I hear this song making this one of my happy numbers. 😆

The Magnificent Seven (2016)

The past few weeks have been brutally busy and so a movie sounded like a good idea this weekend and "The Magnificent Seven" won the coin toss amongst the other releases.

The year is 1879 and in Rose Creek, a small community of farmers, people live simple and peaceful lives. However, corrupt industrialist Bartholomew Bogue (Peter Sarsgaard) has his sights on the little town and he offers a pittance to buy the land from the locals. Bogue threatens and follows up to prove his intent and Emma Cullen's husband is one of the few shot in cold blood. Bogue leaves with the threat of returning after 3 weeks to claim what he deems is now his.
Emma seeks revenge and she leaves town in search of someone who can help. She meets warrant officer Sam Chisolm (Denzel Washington) who initially declines to help but changes his mind when he hears about the gruesome murders. He begins a search for and gradually gathers a motley crew of talented gunslingers and fighters. Emma and the group return to Rose Creek  and begin to train the townsfolk and create a plan of attack.
The day arrives and the dreaded roar of approaching horse's hooves heralds Bogue's arrival with his army. What starts out as a victory for the people of Rose Creek soon turns into a massacre when Bogue brings out the heavy artillery. The simple revolvers, colts and shotguns are no match ... Will the people of Rose Creek stand to lose it all - after all? Will Emma get her revenge?
I haven't watched the original from 1960 but I did love this movie and what came to mind were old Western classics that we would hire from the local video store when we were little - "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" (1966), "Hang 'Em High" (1968), "Mackenna's Gold" (1969) ... and so comparitively I found this movie a little too pretty, so visually appealing, as compared to the above mentioned classics. But I can't complain -  Denzel dressed in black and donning a cowboy hat - has never looked more suave, Josh Faraday (Chris Pratt) the hustler looked debonair, Goodnight Robicheaux ( good ole Ethan Hawke) as the sniper, the religious Vincent D'Onofrio (Jack Horne) the tracker, Billy Rocks (Byung-hun Lee) the knife slinger, Vasquez (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) and his beautiful accent is the Mexican outlaw and Red Harvest (Martin Sensmeier), the loner is the ace archer. Eye-Candy for the girls.
And as the French would say - " Tout simplement magnifique"  ... And it's money well spent!
A all-time Oaters!
Word for the day :-
febrile - having or showing the symptoms of a fever

Friday, September 23, 2016

Blackbeards Ghost 👻 (1968)

Godolphin College has a track team replete with misfits. Steve (Dean Jones), their new track coach arrives at the little coastal town blissfully unaware of the challenge ahead of him. On his first night he attends a charity bazaar at the Blackbeard's Inn, hosted by the Daughters of the Buccaneers (the surviving descendants of the Pirate's crew). All proceeds gathered will go towards paying off the mortgage on the inn or else risk losing it to Silky Seymour (Joby Baker), the local crime boss. He has elaborate plans of replacing the decaying inn with a casino.
At the auction Steve wins a bed-warmer that was previously owned by Aldetha, believed to have been a witch and the 10th wife of the notorious pirate Blackbeard (Peter Ustinov). Steve happens upon a scroll hidden in the handle of the bed-warmer and unbeknownst of what might happen he reads out the spell, unleashing Blackbeard's ghost that is trapped in limbo. Blackbeard's only hope of freedom is to perform one good deed. He is brash, has a fondness for rum and is an avid gambler! To top that he is a ghost only his new friend Steve can see. An honest Steve who believes in playing by the rules is inspired to use Blackbeard's unseen presence to help the weak Godolphin track team win the meet and use the reward money won in a bet to pay off the mortgage. That's two birds with one stone - a good deed and liberation from an age-old curse.
A warning here, watch out before you recite the spell - "Kree kruh vergo gebba kalto kree"....
The outcome is hilarious and a total riot and you've got to love Walt Disney!

Here is one clip of what's in store ... This you can't miss!

Word for the day :-
indolent - wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sex and the City: The Movie (2008) - Auld Lang Syne

4 lifelong friends who couldn't be more different - Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) - successful writer, Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) - lawyer, Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) - agent for the stars and Charlotte Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis) - happily married. All the four friends have been there for each other through thick and thin and this is their story ...
Carrie is dating John James Preston, aka Big (Chris Noth) for 10 years now and for practical reasons it seems the perfect time to tie the knot.
Way back when Miranda was dating Steve (David Eigenberg) she got pregnant and they got married. When Brady was born they moved to Brooklyn. But their marriage is on the line when Steve confesses to Miranda that he had an affair.
Samantha, the fiercely independent one, now knocking fifty - decides to follow Smith Jerrod (Jason Lewis) to the West Coast. But waiting for a man is not her cup of tea.
The only one who seems to be living her fairytale is Charlotte - she fell in love, got married and is finally pregnant.
At Big and Carrie's rehearsal dinner, an overwrought Miranda says a thing or two to Big and having been married twice before Big is spooked. It comes as a nasty surprise to Carrie when she is left waiting at the altar dressed in a couture wedding dress and no Big in sight. Jilted, humiliated and hurt this seems like the end of Carrie's and Big's love story!
But as Valentine's Day rolls around secrets are out in the open. Will there be a fairytale ending where everyone lives happily ever after?

My numero uno chick flick! Totally magical and every girl's dream - Fashion, Friendship and Love from Manhattan to Brooklyn to LA ...

Word for the day :-
narcissism - excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance