This story unfolds in Bombay, the land that draws people to it like a magnet. And our protagonists are this couple, Sudip (Amol Palekar ) and Chhaya (Zareena Wahab). Both come from middle-class families and make their acquaintance at the private firm where they work. After a brief courtship, Sudip and Chhaya hope to get married. However with Sudip living in a lodge with friends and Chhaya in a little tenement with two brothers and one of whom is married, the possibility seems distant. Her younger brother hopes to pursue his education in America someday, a wish that Chhaya aims to fulfil. Despite their responsibilities, their plans to settle down soon makes getting a home of their own a priority. Their dream seems a reality when Sudip hears of a friend who has booked an affordable flat which is still work-in-progress. In all hopes and throwing caution to the wind, the couple go to great lengths and gather the asking amount for a down payment. With stars in their eyes, they eagerly await the completion of their home. Unfortunately, Sudip gets the news that the owner has made off with the money, in the process crushing the hopes of many. With mounting frustration and during an argument Sudeep recommends Chhaya marries the aged but rich Mr. Modi, the owner of the firm they work in. Mr. Modi, a widower, has a sweet spot for Chhaya and she decides to take Sudip's advice and move on with her life. Can Bombay stand by it's reputation of being a place that fulfills dreams? Or could it be the opposite here!
A beautiful story of life as a middle-class citizen and it's struggles. The film is so rustic and real; and the songs ... great 👌!
A beautiful story of life as a middle-class citizen and it's struggles. The film is so rustic and real; and the songs ... great 👌!
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