
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Baton Baton Mein (1979)

How could I have taken so long to write about a movie of one of my favorite stars, Amol Palekar ❤ - Amol of  the Golmaal, Naram Garam, Choti Si Baat, Rajnigandha, Chitchor, Rang Birangi fame! Gosh ... His films are light and funny, being simply complicated ðŸ˜‰  and is the result of fine film making and story telling accompanied by fun music and song. Whew!!! I think I got it all ... 😟
Baton Baton Mein revolves around two unmarried Goans whose parents are on the lookout for the perfect match. Now what Indian mother wouldn't want her daughter to be married to someone with a permanent job and earning a "good salary"! (If you like "Pride and Prejudice", like I do, you would be able to relate to this). Mrs. Rosie Pereira (Pearl Padamsee) is one such mother! Nancy (Tina Munim), her spinster daughter, takes the 9:10 am train daily to Churchgate where she works in a private firm. Nancy is pretty but wears an air of aloofness - she suffers from some trust issues after her heart was broken in a previous relationship and that is the reason she is not actively looking for Mr. Right, just yet!
Travelling on the same train is Tony Braganza (Amol Palekar), a cartoonist in his spare time who loves drawing caricatures of his fellow passengers. Tom, Nancy's uncle who almost always accompanies her on the train ride, introduces Nancy to Tony and soon they're good friends. Now there is a sparkle in Rosie's eyes as she sees Tony as the eligible bachelor who has met all the criteria for marriage. But he is in no hurry to pop the question. Why is it taking Tony so long ..
I love this movie for how retro it feels and how the memories come rushing back - memories of a time when things seemed less complicated, the marginally less crowded streets and beach fronts of Mumbai, the time of the cha cha and jazz, simple home parties.... Do you get where I'm going with this?
I adore this number.

The film is hilarious and absolutely fun!

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