Based on past experiences and having faced the atrocities of war, Captain Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise) has been scarred and left with an indelible mark, seeking solace from a bottle. Nearly penniless, he embarks on a mission to sell U.S. arms to Japan in their bid to suppress a rising rebellion from the Samurai against the Japanese Emperor, Emperor Meiji.
Yoshino Province, Japan, Circa 1876. In a camp setup for the sole purpose of training local peasants in modern warfare, Captain Algren leads an inept army against the Samurai. The clash of the samurai swords and guns leaves casualties in its wake but the silent, swift-footed warriors, revered and highly feared, soon strike terror into the hearts of their opponents. The army flees leaving behind their wounded Captain who is soon taken prisoner.
Secluded high up in the mountains in the village of the Samurai, Nathan is held captive at the house of Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe), the Samurai leader. Delirious and ravaged by a fever and recurring nightmares Nathan is nursed backed to health by the beautiful Taka (Koyuki), Katsumoto's sister and the widow of Hirotara, a warrior slain by Algren himself. In an even trade-off, Katsumoto learns more about the enemy through his prisoner and Nathan is soon learning the art of wielding a sword. Nathan begins to truly appreciate the lives, ideologies and the culture of a dying Samurai class.
Will Japan ably embrace modernization without putting to risk losing a rich and deep culture? Who's to tell!
Yoshino Province, Japan, Circa 1876. In a camp setup for the sole purpose of training local peasants in modern warfare, Captain Algren leads an inept army against the Samurai. The clash of the samurai swords and guns leaves casualties in its wake but the silent, swift-footed warriors, revered and highly feared, soon strike terror into the hearts of their opponents. The army flees leaving behind their wounded Captain who is soon taken prisoner.
Secluded high up in the mountains in the village of the Samurai, Nathan is held captive at the house of Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe), the Samurai leader. Delirious and ravaged by a fever and recurring nightmares Nathan is nursed backed to health by the beautiful Taka (Koyuki), Katsumoto's sister and the widow of Hirotara, a warrior slain by Algren himself. In an even trade-off, Katsumoto learns more about the enemy through his prisoner and Nathan is soon learning the art of wielding a sword. Nathan begins to truly appreciate the lives, ideologies and the culture of a dying Samurai class.
Will Japan ably embrace modernization without putting to risk losing a rich and deep culture? Who's to tell!
I don't know how it took me this long to write about a movie that I love dearly! A beautifully shot Japan, engaging war scenes, a subtle and yet erotic showcase of romance ... Do watch if you haven't already!
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