
Friday, October 21, 2016

A little bit of heaven (2011)

Happy-go-lucky Marley Corbett (Kate Hudson) is diagnosed with colon cancer and the devastating news tears her world apart. While under anesthesia Marley meets God and she is granted three wishes - so she chooses to fly, to win big money and the third ....!
When confronted with the prospect of death, life takes on a whole new meaning. Marley is able to mend fences with her separated parents - a hovering mother and a reserved father;
A close circle of friends form her pillars and see her through the difficult moments as her health steadily fails;
And having always run from the prospect of getting serious in a relationship, she finally falls in love!
This movie could not have turned out any better with Whoopi Goldberg in a cameo and Kate Hudson, who totally rocked. There are moments in the film that tug at the heart and you shed a few tears but what's different and positive is the celebration of love, relationships and life even in death.
There is a beautiful instrumental at the end of the movie but since I could not find that particular video, this one is close.

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