
Sunday, September 04, 2016

Reflection Song: Whatsoever You Do

My maternal grandparents were staunch supporters for an assortment of causes. They were there to lend a hand to their church and community, financially supporting institutions like the blind school, hard up students studying in seminaries, the school for the deaf ... all these were the few I knew of. I was grandpa's self-appointed "mailman", only too happy to mail his letters, pick up stamps when he would run out and I didn't mind ferrying the mail to him as soon as it would arrive. There seemed to be so much in the mail and at times I would wonder what a retired man was doing to receive all this correspondence. When my grandpa passed and news spread to all those far-and-wide, we were inundated with mail. These letters were from the strangest places all of them passing on to the grieving family their condolences. We were taken aback when we realized the numerous causes he was involved with. By nature he was stoic and self-effacing! Characteristics I've tried to imbibe. In my own little way, I strived to do my best. If I could only go back in time for just a moment, I would love to see him bent at his desk nursing his glass of Wincarnis deeply buried in a book ..
A man at a Desk - Leopold von Kalckreuth,
The National Museum in Warsaw
My tooth-fairy was pretty generous, let me tell you. I had accumulated quite the packet by the time my last milk tooth bid farewell. Our school would take us to an orphanage annually where we would spend the day and I would return home grateful and humbled by the experience. Without any qualms whatsoever I was convinced this was where I wanted to deploy my kitty. As little as that was, I hoped I made a difference.
We are all angels and are unaware of the impact we make in this world, in our own way - a smile, a kind word, a helping hand ... ! To all the blessed people reading this, continue to make a difference and stay blessed!

Here is one of my favorite hymns -

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