Time-abiding Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks), a globetrodding FedEx executive, is on his way to Malaysia on an assignment. His plane, while over the Pacific, runs into a storm and the plane crash leaves Chuck washed up a deserted island. Imprisoned by huge waves, deadly reefs and trapped in a world with no clocks, Chuck must adapt to his strange surroundings. To survive in the harsh conditions, he must get down to the basics - learn to build a fire, to crack coconuts, fish for his food and find a place to keep him safe from the elements. There is but one silent companion, "Wilson", a volleyball that was one of the packages that washed up on shore. He also has a watch that his fiancée, Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt), gifted him as she bid him farewell at the airport as he left with a promise to be back for New Years'.
Will Chuck get out of the island alive and meet his one true love whose memory is the only thing that keeps him going?
Tom Hanks has successfully carried the movie all by himself for a major part of the film. Another true winner!
Word for the day :-
circadian - (of biological processes) recurring naturally on a 24 hour-cycle , even in the absence of light fluctuations
Will Chuck get out of the island alive and meet his one true love whose memory is the only thing that keeps him going?
Tom Hanks has successfully carried the movie all by himself for a major part of the film. Another true winner!
Word for the day :-
circadian - (of biological processes) recurring naturally on a 24 hour-cycle , even in the absence of light fluctuations
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